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LINK FIXED!  THANK YOU! Below is the blurb from the GFM campaign. We appreciate your love and support in this moment and always.

Venmo: @rgallea


What happened: We all know dogs are the stupidest (cutest) scavengers ever and no matter how attentive you are, they sometimes get ahold of something from the sidewalk, especially in a trash ridden neighborhood like ours (love it so much, besides the garbage!) Uno usually passes the occasional chicken bone with no trouble but this time, after 24 hours of vomiting and an inability to get comfortable (ie; getting up and pacing around every 30 seconds for hours & hours) we knew it was time to take him to the vet. Fortunately we got into our regular doctor but the X-rays were inconclusive so we were sent further uptown to an emergency pet hospital for ultrasounds. We were crossing our fingers for no blockage or at least something that could be dealt with endoscopically but they did see something in his intestine and had to perform surgery immediately. Little dude had a successful procedure, stayed at the hospital for about 36 hours total and now he's high as a kite on the couch next to me and starting his recovery slowly but surely. All of this to say, wowwww, what a traumatic, stressful and unexpected weekend, but we can’t imagine life without him yet and are beyond grateful that he’s ok. Thank you for taking the time to read this and consider helping. Gratitude really is the savior of our spirits in these wild times so know that we are doing our best to reside in that space. Hug your fur pals extra tight tonight!

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